How to play

Select a player for each cell that matches the criteria for that cell's row and column.

There is no limit to the number of guesses.

If a player has been submitted for a grid, you can resubmit a different player by clicking the cell again. Once the grid has been completely filled, you cannot resubmit any players.

Criteria Qualifications

Team & Team

For a player to qualify for a 'Team & Team' cell, that player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with each team. It does not have to be the same season.

Teammate/Coach & Team

For a player to qualify for a 'Teammate/Coach & Team' cell, that player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with the team, and 1 Regular Season Game with the teammate/coach. It does not have to be the same season.

Teammate/Coach & Stat/Accolade

25+ ppg(Season)

For a player to qualify for a 'Teammate/Coach & Stat/Accolade' cell, that player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with the teammate/coach and qualify for the stat/accolade.

It does not have to be the same season regardless if the Stat/Accolade is Career or Season.

Stat/Accolade & Team

25+ ppg(Season)

If the stat/accolade is based on Season, they must qualify in ANY single season in their career. It does not have to be on that team.

If the stat/accolade is based on Career, they do not have to qualify in the same season as playing for the team.

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